
Git Source

Inherits: IBaseRouterImplementation, BaseRouter, LiquidityHandler

Author: Zeropoint Labs

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Extends BaseRouter with standard internal execution functions (based on SuperPositions)

State Variables


tracks the total payloads

uint256 public payloadIds;



    address superRegistry_,
    uint8 stateRegistryType_,
    uint8 routerType_
    BaseRouter(superRegistry_, stateRegistryType_, routerType_);


superRegistry_addressthe superform registry contract
stateRegistryType_uint8the state registry type
routerType_uint8the router type


handles cross-chain multi vault deposit

function _singleXChainMultiVaultDeposit(SingleXChainMultiVaultStateReq memory req_) internal virtual;


validate superformsData

this loop is what allows to deposit to >1 different underlying on destination

if a loop fails in a validation the whole chain should be reverted

dispatch liquidity data

dispatch message information, notice multiVaults is set to 1

handles cross-chain single vault deposit

function _singleXChainSingleVaultDeposit(SingleXChainSingleVaultStateReq memory req_) internal virtual;


disallow direct chain actions

this step validates and returns ambData from the state request

dispatch liquidity data

dispatch message information, notice multiVaults is set to 0

handles same-chain single vault deposit

function _singleDirectSingleVaultDeposit(SingleDirectSingleVaultStateReq memory req_) internal virtual;


same chain action & forward residual payment to payment collector

handles same-chain multi vault deposit

function _singleDirectMultiVaultDeposit(SingleDirectMultiVaultStateReq memory req_) internal virtual;


same chain action & forward residual payment to payment collector

handles cross-chain multi vault withdraw

function _singleXChainMultiVaultWithdraw(SingleXChainMultiVaultStateReq memory req_) internal virtual;


validate superformsData

write packed txData

dispatch message information, notice multiVaults is set to 1

handles cross-chain single vault withdraw

function _singleXChainSingleVaultWithdraw(SingleXChainSingleVaultStateReq memory req_) internal virtual;


this step validates and returns ambData from the state request

dispatch message information, notice multiVaults is set to 0

handles same-chain single vault withdraw

function _singleDirectSingleVaultWithdraw(SingleDirectSingleVaultStateReq memory req_) internal virtual;


same chain action

handles same-chain multi vault withdraw

function _singleDirectMultiVaultWithdraw(SingleDirectMultiVaultStateReq memory req_) internal virtual;


SuperPositions are burnt optimistically here

same chain action & forward residual payment to payment collector

internal function used for validation and ambData building across different entry points

function _buildDepositAmbData(
    uint64 dstChainId_,
    SingleVaultSFData memory superformData_
    returns (InitSingleVaultData memory ambData, uint256 currentPayloadId);


validate superformsData

function _buildWithdrawAmbData(
    address srcSender_,
    uint64 dstChainId_,
    SingleVaultSFData memory superformData_
    returns (InitSingleVaultData memory ambData, uint256 currentPayloadId);


function _validateAndDispatchTokens(ValidateAndDispatchTokensArgs memory args_) internal virtual;


validates remaining params of txData

dispatches tokens through the selected liquidity bridge to the destination contract

function _dispatchAmbMessage(DispatchAMBMessageVars memory vars_) internal virtual;


deposits to single vault on the same chain

this call dispatches the message to the AMB bridge through dispatchPayload

calls _directDeposit

function _directSingleDeposit(
    address srcSender_,
    bytes memory permit2data_,
    InitSingleVaultData memory vaultData_


deposits to multiple vaults on the same chain

loops and call _directDeposit

function _directMultiDeposit(
    address srcSender_,
    bytes memory permit2data_,
    InitMultiVaultData memory vaultData_


fulfils the final stage of same chain deposit action

decode superforms

deposits collateral to a given vault and mint vault positions.

in direct deposits, SuperPositions are minted right after depositing to vaults

function _directDeposit(
    address superform_,
    uint8 superformRouterId_,
    uint256 payloadId_,
    uint256 superformId_,
    uint256 amount_,
    uint256 maxSlippage_,
    LiqRequest memory liqData_,
    bytes memory extraFormData_,
    uint256 msgValue_,
    address srcSender_
    returns (uint256 dstAmount);


withdraws from single vault on the same chain

validates if superformId exists on factory

deposits collateral to a given vault and mint vault positions directly through the form no need for a refund address

call _directWithdraw

function _directSingleWithdraw(InitSingleVaultData memory vaultData_, address srcSender_) internal virtual;


withdraws from multiple vaults on the same chain

decode superforms

loops and call _directWithdraw

function _directMultiWithdraw(InitMultiVaultData memory vaultData_, address srcSender_) internal virtual;


fulfils the final stage of same chain withdrawal action

decode superforms

deposits collateral to a given vault and mint vault positions.

function _directWithdraw(
    address superform_,
    uint8 superformRouterId_,
    uint256 payloadId_,
    uint256 superformId_,
    uint256 amount_,
    uint256 maxSlippage_,
    LiqRequest memory liqData_,
    bytes memory extraFormData_,
    address srcSender_,
    address refundAddress_


validates if superformId exists on factory

in direct withdraws, form is called directly

function _validateSuperformData(
    uint64 dstChainId_,
    SingleVaultSFData memory superformData_
    returns (bool);


the dstChainId_ (in the state request) must match the superforms' chainId (superform must exist on destinatiom)

10000 = 100% slippage if it reaches this point then is valid

function _validateSuperformsDepositData(
    MultiVaultSFData memory superformsData_,
    uint64 dstChainId_
    returns (bool);


empty requests are not allowed, as well as requests with length mismatch

superformIds/amounts/slippages array sizes validation

slippage and paused status validation

10000 = 100% slippage

function _validateSuperformsWithdrawData(
    MultiVaultSFData memory superformsData_,
    uint64 dstChainId_
    returns (bool);


empty requests are not allowed, as well as requests with length mismatch

superformIds/amounts/slippages array sizes validation

slippage and paused status validation

10000 = 100% slippage

forwards the residual payment to payment collector

function _forwardPayment(uint256 _balanceBefore) internal virtual;


deducts what's already available sends what's left in msg.value to payment collector

function _singleVaultTokenForward(
    address srcSender_,
    address superform_,
    bytes memory permit2data_,
    InitSingleVaultData memory vaultData_


function _multiVaultTokenForward(
    address srcSender_,
    address[] memory targets_,
    bytes memory permit2data_,
    InitMultiVaultData memory vaultData_,
    bool xChain



validate superformsData

struct ValidateAndDispatchTokensArgs {
    LiqRequest liqRequest;
    address permit2;
    address superform;
    uint64 srcChainId;
    uint64 dstChainId;
    address srcSender;
    bool deposit;


decode superforms

deposits collateral to a given vault and mint vault positions.

mint super positions at the end of the deposit action

struct MultiDepositLocalVars {
    uint256 len;
    address[] superforms;
    uint256[] dstAmounts;
    bool mint;


e.g asset in is USDC (6 decimals), we use this amount to approve the transfer to superform

moves the tokens from the user to the router

moves the tokens from the user to the router

approves the input amount to the superform

struct MultiTokenForwardLocalVars {
    IERC20 token;
    uint256 len;
    uint256 totalAmount;
    uint256 permit2dataLen;
    address permit2;
    uint256[] approvalAmounts;