Inherits: BridgeValidator, LiFiTxDataExtractor
Author: Zeropoint Labs
To assert input txData is valid
constructor(address superRegistry_) BridgeValidator(superRegistry_);
function validateLiqDstChainId(bytes calldata txData_, uint64 liqDstChainId_) external pure override returns (bool);
function validateReceiver(bytes calldata txData_, address receiver_) external pure override returns (bool valid_);
function validateTxData(ValidateTxDataArgs calldata args_) external view override;
xchain actions can have bridgeData or bridgeData + swapData
direct actions with deposit, cannot have bridge data - goes into catch block
withdraw actions may have bridge data after withdrawing - goes into try block
withdraw actions without bridge data (just swap) - goes into catch block
0. Destination call validation
1. chainId validation
for deposits, liqDstChainId/toChainId will be the normal destination (where the target superform is)
for withdraws, liqDstChainId/toChainId will be the desired chain to where the underlying must be sent
to after vault redemption
2. receiver address validation
if cross chain deposits, then receiver address must be CoreStateRegistry (or) Dst Swapper
if withdraws, then receiver address must be the srcSender
remap of address 0 to NATIVE because of how LiFi produces txData
3. token validations
1. chainId validation
2. receiver address validation
If same chain deposits then receiver address must be the superform
if withdraws, then receiver address must be the srcSender
remap of address 0 to NATIVE because of how LiFi produces txData
3. token validations
function decodeMinAmountOut(
bytes calldata txData_,
bool genericSwapDisallowed_
returns (uint256 amount_);
try is just used here to validate the txData. We need to always extract minAmount from bridge data
in the case of a generic swap, minAmountOut is considered to be the receivedAmount
function decodeAmountIn(
bytes calldata txData_,
bool genericSwapDisallowed_
returns (uint256 amount_);
if there isn't a source swap, amountIn is minAmountOut from bridge data?
in the case of a generic swap, amountIn is the from amount
function decodeDstSwap(bytes calldata txData_) external pure override returns (address token_, uint256 amount_);
Extracts the main parameters from the calldata
function extractMainParameters(bytes calldata data_)
returns (
string memory bridge,
address sendingAssetId,
address receiver,
uint256 amount,
uint256 minAmount,
uint256 destinationChainId,
bool hasSourceSwaps,
bool hasDestinationCall
Name | Type | Description |
data_ | bytes | The calldata to extract the main parameters from |
Name | Type | Description |
bridge | string | The bridge extracted from the calldata |
sendingAssetId | address | The sending asset id extracted from the calldata |
receiver | address | The receiver extracted from the calldata |
amount | uint256 | The amount the calldata (which may be equal to bridge min amount) |
minAmount | uint256 | The min amount extracted from the bridgeData calldata |
destinationChainId | uint256 | The destination chain id extracted from the calldata |
hasSourceSwaps | bool | Whether the calldata has source swaps |
hasDestinationCall | bool | Whether the calldata has a destination call |
Extracts the generic swap parameters from the calldata
function extractGenericSwapParameters(bytes calldata data_)
returns (
address sendingAssetId,
uint256 amount,
address receiver,
address receivingAssetId,
uint256 receivingAmount
Name | Type | Description |
data_ | bytes | The calldata to extract the generic swap parameters from |
Name | Type | Description |
sendingAssetId | address | The sending asset id extracted from the calldata |
amount | uint256 | The amount extracted from the calldata |
receiver | address | The receiver extracted from the calldata |
receivingAssetId | address | The receiving asset id extracted from the calldata |
receivingAmount | uint256 | The receiving amount extracted from the calldata |