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Inherits: IWormholeRelayerBase

The interface to execute deliveries. Only relevant for Delivery Providers



The delivery provider calls deliver to relay messages as described by one delivery instruction The delivery provider must pass in the specified (by VaaKeys[]) signed wormhole messages (VAAs) from the source chain as well as the signed wormhole message with the delivery instructions (the delivery VAA) The messages will be relayed to the target address (with the specified gas limit and receiver value) iff the following checks are met:

  • the delivery VAA has a valid signature
  • the delivery VAA's emitter is one of these WormholeRelayer contracts
  • the delivery provider passed in at least enough of this chain's currency as msg.value (enough meaning the maximum possible refund)
  • the instruction's target chain is this chain
  • the relayed signed VAAs match the descriptions in container.messages (the VAA hashes match, or the emitter address, sequence number pair matches, depending on the description given)
function deliver(
    bytes[] memory encodedVMs,
    bytes memory encodedDeliveryVAA,
    address payable relayerRefundAddress,
    bytes memory deliveryOverrides


encodedVMsbytes[]- An array of signed wormhole messages (all from the same source chain transaction)
encodedDeliveryVAAbytes- Signed wormhole message from the source chain's WormholeRelayer contract with payload being the encoded delivery instruction container
relayerRefundAddressaddress payable- The address to which any refunds to the delivery provider should be sent
deliveryOverridesbytes- Optional overrides field which must be either an empty bytes array or an encoded DeliveryOverride struct




  • member: recipientContract - The target contract address

  • member: sourceChain - The chain which this delivery was requested from (in wormhole ChainID format)

  • member: sequence - The wormhole sequence number of the delivery VAA on the source chain corresponding to this delivery request

  • member: deliveryVaaHash - The hash of the delivery VAA corresponding to this delivery request

  • member: gasUsed - The amount of gas that was used to call your target contract

  • member: status:

  • RECEIVER_FAILURE, if the target contract reverts

  • SUCCESS, if the target contract doesn't revert

  • member: additionalStatusInfo:

  • If status is SUCCESS, then this is empty.

  • If status is RECEIVER_FAILURE, this is RETURNDATA_TRUNCATION_THRESHOLD bytes of the return data (i.e. potentially truncated revert reason information).

  • member: refundStatus - Result of the refund. REFUND_SUCCESS or REFUND_FAIL are for refunds where targetChain=refundChain; the others are for targetChain!=refundChain, where a cross chain refund is necessary

  • member: overridesInfo:

  • If not an override: empty bytes array

  • Otherwise: An encoded DeliveryOverride

event Delivery(
    address indexed recipientContract,
    uint16 indexed sourceChain,
    uint64 indexed sequence,
    bytes32 deliveryVaaHash,
    DeliveryStatus status,
    uint256 gasUsed,
    RefundStatus refundStatus,
    bytes additionalStatusInfo,
    bytes overridesInfo



enum DeliveryStatus {


enum RefundStatus {